Once Upon a School 2023 - Once upon a time there was a school...
Overview:This is the story of the "Midrashia", the flagship of Religious Zionism in Israel, "the mother of the high-school yeshivas." This is a story about an educational start-up that was founded before the establishment of the state, and trained thousands of high-quality students who worked in all the centers of power in the State of Israel. This is a story about a school that, in a complex and surprising process, changed its face, and became an elitist and luxurious high school that produced successful and dedicated students - to an anarchic and disordered place. It is a chilling and unbelievable story about a sublime educational vision that has collapsed, about brotherhood, loss of control and maturation, and about the nature of the human soul, in which good and evil, cruelty and kindness, are mixed up.